Applications in prescribed form are invited from the deserving candidates from native of Odisha for engagement as Initial Appointee through WRITTEN EXAMINATION in the following categories of posts against existing vacancy in ST & SC Development Department Educational institutions run in Kandhamal District. Preference will be given to the candidates belonging to Kandhamal district.
1. TGT Arts: 20 Nos
2. TGT Science (PGM): 11 Nos.
3. TGT Science (CBZ): 10 Nos.
4. Hindi: 10 Nos.
5. Sanskrit: 08 Nos.
The detail advertisement and the selection criteria may be obtained from office Notice Board of District Welfare Office, Kandhamal and District Website The candidates may download the advertisement, scheme / syllabus (for written examination) and application format accordingly. The last date of receipt of application in the office of the District Welfare Office, Kandhamal is 31.01.2022 by Regd. Post / Speed Post only.