Junior Research Fellows

 Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) provides an excellent opportunity for young and motivated researchers to pursue a career in basic and applied Life Sciences research. DIPAS endeavors to optimize human performance under extreme operational environments using physiological, biochemical, nutritional and ergonomic approach. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to conduct human studies, animal and in-vitro experimentation with an interdisciplinary approach. Applications are invited for academic session 2023-24 from young and motivated candidates to work in ongoing and futuristic research projects of DIPAS for the following positions: 

1. Name of The Post: Junior Research Fellows

Qualification: Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc) OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.Tech) in Life Sciences / Human Physiology/ Biochemistry/ Biomedical Sciences/ Biotechnology Biophysics/Molecular Biology/ Zoology/ Bioinformatics/Genetics/ Nanotechnology with NET/ GATE/ National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies /lnstitu1ions such as DST, 0BT, ICMR etc.

Age: 28 Years

Last date: 14-02-2023

Date of Interview: 01-03-2023

2. Name of The Post: Junior Research Fellows

Qualification: Post Graduale Degree (M.Sc) OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.Tech) in Life Sciences / Human Physiology/ Biochemistry/ Biomedical Sciences/ Biotechnology Biophysics/Molecular Biology/ Zoology/ Bioinformatics/Genetics/ Nanotechnology with NET/ GATE/ National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies /lnstitu1ions such as DST, 0BT, ICMR etc. CSIR/ UGCI ICMRI 0BT/ OST qualified with valid fellowship al the lime of joining

Age: 28 Years

Last date: 14-02-2023

Date of Interview: 02-03-2023

Application procedure: Eligible candidates may send their application with detailed CV in the prescribed format along with scanned copies of relevant certificates, grade/mark sheets through email to hrddipas@gmail.com by 14th February, 2023 for JRF at DIPAS, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054. 

General Conditions: 1) Only those candidates who have been awarded degree/provisional certificate are eligible to apply. 2) Performa of application can be downloaded from URL: http:// www.drdo.gov.in 3) The offer of fellowship will under no circumstances confer on the candidates any right for absorption in DRDO. 4) The selected candidate shall be permitted to register in Ph.D program either from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi or Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. 5) Candidates working in Govt/Public sector undertakings/Autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel. 6) Candidates without original certificates/testimonials will not be allowed for the interview. 7) Number of seats for JRF may increase or decrease without prior notice. 8) The Institute has all the rights to cancel the admission process/selection at any time without assigning any reason thereof. 9) List of shortlisted and selected candidates will be displayed on DRDO website URL:http://www.drdo.gov.in. 10) No TNDA will be paid for attending the interview or for joining if selected. 11) Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee of the Institute which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof. 12) Date and Venue for Interview: Interview for Post Code JRF-01 is 01.03.2023 and Interview for Post Code JRF-02 is 02.03.2023. Venue will be DIPAS. DRDO, Min. of Defence, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054. 

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